Omega-3 EPA and DHA are essential nutrients, meaning that we need them, but our body’s ability to make them is very poor, so we must consume them through food and supplements to provide adequate intake.

EPA and DHA work in the outer walls of our cells to affect the function of the receptors in these membranes that direct, manage, and regulate a multitude of critical processes. They support the health of the heart, brain, joints, lungs, blood vessels and immune system, as well as healthy mood support and stress response.

EPA and DHA are naturally found in marine sources such as fish, seafood, and fish oils, with vegan alternatives available.

Eicosapentaenoicacid (EPA), is one of 7 commonly known and researched fatty acids found in cold-water fatty fish and shellfish. EPA has been found to support heart health, joint health and proper immune function. It has also been shown to support healthy triglyceride levels, healthy blood pressure levels and normal inflammatory processes. Additionally, in recent years it has become associated with healthy mood support.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is another fatty acid found in cold-water fish and algae. DHA is a structural component of the human brain and is beneficial in supporting normal memory and cognitive function. It is also a critical nutrient for healthy eyes and central nervous system function.

Additionally, DHA is found in breast milk and is added to some infant formula. It is a critical nutrient in support of healthy pregnancy, including fetal brain and eye development. DHA is also required for the brains, eyes, and nervous systems to develop in infants and young children. Experts agree this essential fat should feature prominently in every child’s diet.

There are two major types of Omega-3 fatty acids: Marine-sourced and Plant-sourced.

Marine-sourced Omega-3 EPA and DHA come from fish and seafood, with the richest sources being “fatty fish”, like salmon, sardine, mackerel, or tuna.

An excellent plant source of Omega-3 is Ahiflower oil, which contains the highest plant derived content of the Omega-3 fatty acid called SDA (Stearadonic Acid). SDA has been shown in human clinical trials to be more able to convert in the body to EPA and DHA than any other vegan sources currently available to consumers.

Walnuts, flax, and chia are popular sources of plant-based Omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is far less capable of converting to EPA and DHA in the body. Algae has been a well-known vegan source for DHA but has essentially no EPA.

EPA & DHA Omega-3 from fish oil may support healthy cholesterol levels in the normal range, however, supplements containing EPA & DHA Omega-3 are not drugs, nor a substitute for drugs. We recommend you consult with your physician if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood triglycerides, or other risk factors for heart disease.

Krill oil is a popular Omega-3 supplement derived from tiny, shrimp like crustaceans. Compared with fatty fish, the amount of EPA and DHA in most krill oil products is very low, (typically about 90 mg per softgel). Wiley’s Finest Peak EPA delivers 1,000 mg of EPA and DHA combined per softgel; over 10x the amount of krill oil.

There is a small amount of naturally occurring DPA in Pollock oil. However, our primary focus is on Omega-3 EPA and DHA as they are currently the most researched long chain fatty acids, and we feel it important to develop products that are as evidence-based as possible.

Beyond DPA’s role as a metabolite, studies to date have not shown any specific benefits to this fatty acid alone, and if any are not different from EPA and DHA. There is currently an FDA qualified health claim for EPA and DHA, but not for DPA.

Yes. Wiley’s Finest softgel products are made with the concentrated ethyl ester (EE) form and our liquids are made with concentrated triglyceride (rTG) and natural triglyceride(nTG) form.

All forms of Omega-3 have been proven safe and effective, and research shows that there is little to no difference in their ability to increase tissue saturation at the cellular level when consumed over time.

Although some brands tout superior absorption or increased bioavailability of the triglyceride form over the ethyl ester version, the evidence to support this claim simply doesn’t exist. There are a large number of studies using both forms of EPA and DHA, with some of the largest using the ethyl ester form. We don’t claim the superiority of any form of omega-3 fatty acid, but prefer to focus on providing consumers with the best quality omega-3/fish oil product possible.

Not directly. Flax, chia, and walnuts contain ALA Omega-3, but not EPA and DHA. Our bodies can convert only a small amount (5-10%) of EPA from ALA, but there is virtually no conversion from ALA to DHA. It is very difficult for vegans, vegetarians, and other non-fish eaters to consume enough Omega-3 in their diet for maximum health benefit.

The Omega-3 Index measures the status of Omega-3 EPA and DHA molecules in a person’s blood cell membranes and this is a direct reflection of the omega-3 status of every other cell, tissue and organ in the body. The ideal Omega-3 Index has been identified as 8-12% to obtain optimal nutritional benefits and decrease the risk factors for many and varied health concerns.

The Omega-3 Index Test is a simple finger poke blood test that you can request from your healthcare provider, or it can be ordered online at omegaquant.com or other home blood test providers for a lower cost option done in the privacy of your home.

Vitamin K can be broken down into Vitamins K1 and K2, and need to be obtained from the foods and supplements we consume. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is the most consumed form from plant foods like leafy greens and works predominately in the liver. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) intake is very low in the Western diet and when consumed works in the liver as well as throughout the rest of the body. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of Vitamin K is 120 mcg daily for men and 90 mcg daily for women. This RDI is mostly based on vitamin K1, and healthcare experts are now urging that an RDI for Vitamin K2 be established and separated from vitamin k1, to ensure an adequate intake guidance of both.

Vitamin K1 helps manage blood coagulation which is why most babies receive a Vitamin K1 shot soon after delivery. Vitamin K2 also provides this role with additional growing research showing that it has very powerful positive effects on both heart and bone health.

Vitamin K2 is naturally found in meat and dairy foods in very small amounts and is found at higher levels in fermented cheese products that don’t feature significantly in the Western diet.  The best food source for Vitamin K2 is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans, called ‘natto’, a source that is not readily available nor dietarily appealing to the general population. For these reasons, most people are at risk for not getting optimal levels of vitamin K2 in their diet.

MenaQ7® is well absorbed, and is the only clinically proven vitamin K2 for bone and heart health, with over 20 clinical studies proving its safety and human health efficacy.

People who are currently taking a traditional Vitamin K Antagonist (VKA) blood thinning medication such as Coumadin or Warfarin should not consume any vitamin K supplement before consulting with their doctor or health practitioner.

There are newer types of blood thinning medications that work differently in the body than traditional options, in that they do not target vitamin K function, and do not require the same kind of regular monitoring. Limited research suggests there is no known contraindication for vitamin K intake with these newer medications, especially of Vitamin K2 MK-7. However, it is strongly advised that a person taking any blood thinning medication receive competent medical advice prior to taking a Vitamin K supplement.

Most prenatal supplements do not include sufficient DHA, if any, so it is quite possible that a supplement would be beneficial. It is critically important for expectant mothers to get sufficient DHA in their diets to take care of their own biological needs, as well as to give their babies the best possible start in life.

Research has shown that pregnant women need to consume a minimum of 200 mg DHA per day to support the development of the baby’s brain, eyes, and nervous system. Higher DHA levels have been shown to reduce the risk of pre-term labor, support healthy birth weight, and support healthy post-partum moods in new mothers. Wiley’s Finest Prenatal DHA contains 600 mg of DHA per serving.

As always, be sure to consult with your doctor on the best course of action for you and your unborn child.

Yes. The need for omega-3 from fish is so important that pregnant women are advised to eat 2-3 servings of fish every week. Omega-3-rich salmon, trout, and canned light tuna are recommended, while shark and swordfish are not due to a higher risk of mercury contamination. Go to www.FDA.gov/fishadvice for more information and a colorful, handy chart. As expectant mothers worry about the effect of the mercury content of the fish they consume on their unborn, this makes it especially important for them to consider using omega 3/fish supplements that are high quality and free from heavy metals like mercury.

Yes. DHA omega-3 is concentrated in sperm and is an important nutrient for reproduction.

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) competes with Arachidonic Acid (AA) for the same enzymes. These enzymes make anti-inflammatory compounds with GLA, and inflammatory compounds with AA.

When you consume more GLA than AA, the result is greater conversion of GLA to DGLA (an anti-inflammatory compound), promoting a more anti-inflammatory effect, as opposed to the inflammatory effect you would get with consuming more AA.

Other nutrients that play a critical role in the GLA to DGLA conversion include magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3, and B6.


Plant Sterols and Red Yeast Rice can both support healthy cholesterol levels, but they work differently from each other. Red yeast rice comes from yeast (Monascus purpureus) grown on white rice and is dietary staple in Asia where it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Red yeast rice is also available as an oral supplement and supplies compounds such as monacolin K, which is reported to help in healthy cholesterol management by the same mechanism as some pharmaceutical interventions.

Plant sterols work with our body’s natural processes because their cell structure is very similar to cholesterol, making them able to compete with cholesterol for absorption in the digestive system. When the body digests plant sterols instead of cholesterol, it removes some of the cholesterol as waste, potentially resulting in lower cholesterol levels.

As humans, we need a certain amount of cholesterol to support biological processes like the formation of cell membranes, hormones, and Vitamin D, but many of us get too much.  When we consume plant sterols, they replace some of the cholesterol in our intestines, increasing the absorption of beneficial plant sterols, leaving excess cholesterol to be eliminated in our waste. It’s simple, natural, and proven effective.

Yes. Adults and childrencanenjoy the benefits of our FOR KIDS! Omega-3 Fish Oil liquids, Beginner’s DHA and Elementary EPA.

According to the experts, there is currently insufficient research data to establish an Upper Limit (UL) on the consumption of Omega-3 EPA and DHA. However, in 2012, the European Food Safety Authority published a Scientific Opinion stating that no adverse effects have been noted in healthy children or adults consuming Omega-3s at ‘observed levels’, and that higher levels of combined EPA and DHA, up to 5,000 mg per day, “do not raise safety concerns for adults.” (European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal. 2012. 10(7): p. 2815.)

As always, it is advised to seek competent medical advice for any health-related concerns.

Wiley’s Finest adult products may be appropriate for some older children; however, we suggest parents use caution when giving a child a softgel capsule. Capsules can be a choking hazard and parents need to carefully consider if their older child is ready to swallow them.

Our Easy Swallow Minis can be a great starter softgel for teens and ‘tweens’ as they are half the size of a regular Fish Oil capsule. All Wiley’s Finest liquids can be given to children at appropriate doses. We have specially formulated our FOR KIDS! products for children: Beginner’s DHA (ages 1+) and Elementary EPA (ages 4+), deliver additional nutrients that support the development of young bodies. If still concerned about your child swallowing a soft gel, consider opening it and squirting its contents into your child’s mouth and/or food.

Yes. All Wiley’s Finest liquids, including Orange Burst, can safely be given to children over 1 year of age at appropriate doses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Orange Burst contains naturally occurring Vitamin A. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recommended that the Upper Limit intake of Vitamin A in children from birth to 3 years old is 600 mcg per day, and in children from 4-8 years old is 900 mcg per day. One teaspoon of Orange Burst delivers 800 mcg of Vitamin A, so it is advised to adjust the dosage accordingly. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminA-HealthProfessional/

An excellent option to Orange Burst for a young child is one of our FOR KIDS! products: Beginner’s DHA for ages 1+ and Elementary EPA for ages 4+. These two formulas are formulated to deliver specific nutrients that support the development of young bodies.

Beginner’s DHA is formulated for children from 1-4 years old. It is advised to consult with your child’s healthcare provider for guidance on the appropriate dosage for a child under one year of age.

Omega-7, also known as palmitoleic acid, is a monounsaturated fat that is naturally found in foods like fish, macadamia nuts, and sea buckthorn.

Emerging science suggests that Omega-7 has the ability to act as a hormone in the body; having the potential for beneficial metabolic effect on the skin, heart, and other organs. https://academic.oup.com/advances/article/8/1/173S/4566577?login=false

Wiley’s Finest Orange Burst Liquid, our most minimally processed formula, is rich in naturally occurring Omega-7. Omega-7 sourced from our Wild Alaskan Pollock oil is also included as a primary ingredient in Bold Vision: Proactive.

The amount of time it will take to feel or see the benefits of supplemental Omega-3 will be different from one person to another based on current health conditions and the daily dose of EPA and DHA consumed. Anecdotally, energy and mood may improve quickly as the body’s Omega-3 levels increase. Long-term benefits, such as potentially improved heart health, joint health, and brain function more likely to be seen over several months to years. As always, the most important thing is to take your Omega-3 supplements consistently, over time.

Yes. Taking fish oil helps maintain muscle strength as we age. A clinical trial in men and women aged 60-85 years found that taking 3 or more grams of marine-derived EPA and DHA omega-3 per day helped maintain muscle mass and prevented the typical decline in muscle mass seen in older age. As people age, loss of muscle mass is associated with higher risk of falling, disability, longer hospital stays, and inability to carry out daily activities such as grocery shopping and bathing. [Smith, AJCN, 2015]

According to the experts, there is currently insufficient research data to establish an Upper Limit (UL) on the consumption of Omega-3 EPA and DHA. However, in 2012, the European Food Safety Authority published a Scientific Opinion stating that no adverse effects have been noted in healthy children or adults consuming Omega-3s at ‘observed levels’, and that higher levels of combined EPA and DHA, up to 5,000 mg per day, “do not raise safety concerns for adults.” (European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal. 2012. 10(7): p. 2815.)

As always, it is advised to seek competent medical advice for any health-related concerns.

Omega-3 rich fish oils are commonly used to fortify premium pet foods. It is also common for a pet owner to give a fish oil supplement to their dog or cat directly or pour it on their food. While we currently do not make a pet specific product, many pet owners choose to give their pet a high quality, human grade product like ours. However, being that our Omega-3 fish oils are formulated for humans, it is advisable to check with your vet with any questions you may have regarding the safety and efficacy of human supplements.

Our products are distilled and do not contain any fish protein. However, for anyone who is allergic to fish, we recommend you evaluate our fish oil products with caution and consult with your healthcare provider regarding any concerns prior to using the product.

[Mark BJ, Beaty AD, Slavin RG. Are fish oil supplements safe in finned fish-allergic patients? Allergy Asthma Proc. 2008 Sep-Oct;29(5):528-9. doi: 10.2500/aap.2008.29.3159. PMID: 18926060.]

As an alternative, we would suggest one of our CatchFreeTM Omega products which are Vegetarian Society Vegan Approved, and do not contain any fish oil.


We combine our fish oil with food grade ethanol to make fatty acid ethyl esters, allowing the Omega-3s to be separated from saturated fatty acids that we don’t need, which facilitates their concentration for greater potency in smaller doses. Our liquid formulas go through an additional process called re-esterification in order to achieve 90% triglyceride concentration.

To meet EU and California Prop 65 standards, all fish oil must be distilled to effectively remove any PCBs or other organic pollutants that may be present and ensure the highest level of product quality and safety.

Molecular Distillation is a sophisticated processing technique utilizing a specialized type of equipment called a wiped film evaporator to remove low molecular weight compounds from high molecular weight compounds. Extremely high vacuum and very short exposure to heat allows us to carefully remove persistent organic pollutants like PCBs and heavy metals but avoid damaging any of the delicate Omega-3 EPA & DHA fatty acids.

Our Wild Alaskan Pollock fishing partners reserve the fresh trimmings from their harvest, including the heads and livers, and gently cook them in a specialized light-free, oxygen-free vessel in order to carefully render the oil, while preserving its freshness. We then take this oil and process it in our family owned and operated facility of Ohio.

There are several steps we take to ensure the quality of our fish oil, which is virtually unmatched by any other fish oil ingredient in the world for purity.

First, we use wild-caught Alaskan Pollock oil, which is well-documented to have extremely low levels of pollution due to the isolation of the Bering Sea watershed where the fish are harvested.

Second, we use the most up-to-date technology available to molecularly distill the raw oil which effectively removes any PCBs, pesticides, or mercury, if present.

And third, the distilled oil goes through a final process of slow filtering through activated charcoal to ensure the removal any other potential pollutants, such as furans, dioxins, or arsenic.

The Wiley’s Finest family of products are proudly made in Ohio, USA.

Yes. We have donated Omega-3 fish oils to several researchers who have requested our products for the purpose of advancing the study of Omega-3 health benefits.


Sustainability is in our DNA and we proudly use fish oil from MSC certified fisheries as they meet strict science-based criteria for ensuring sustainable fish stocks, minimizing environmental impacts and managing their fisheries responsibly. MSC fisheries undergo annual audits, so that they can receive improvement reports regarding any egregious conditions and are reassessed every five years. We only partner with fisheries like these as they appreciate and practice the following three elements of best-practice fishing:

  1. Support a healthy reproduction of the fish so that more fish are hatched each season, than harvested.
  2. Very little, if any bycatch is caught, meaning that unintentional catching of non-target fish and other marine wildlife is minimized.
  3. The fishing vessels used have minimum impact on the ecosystem

Wiley’s Finest, along with our fishing partners, are committed to the highest standards of sustainability. The fisheries where our partner fishers harvest their catch and our manufacturing facility are certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), which is the absolute gold standard of sustainable fishing practices. The Wild Alaskan Pollock fishery and the Wild Norwegian Cod fishery are two of the most carefully and best managed fisheries in the world.

Consumers can be certain they are getting the finest, most sustainable fish oil available on the market by choosing products that carry the blue MSC Eco-label on their packaging.

The MSC is an independent non-profit organization that sets a standard for sustainable fishing. Fisheries that wish to demonstrate they are well-managed according to the science based MSC standard are assessed by expert auditors who are independent of both the fishery and the MSC. Seafood products may display the blue MSC eco-label only if that seafood can be traced back through the supply chain to a fishery that has been certified against the MSC standard.


Our products are made from MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certified sustainable Wild Alaskan Pollock and Cod Liver Oil from Norway, with both products concentrated through a sophisticated, proprietary process by American workers at our family owned and operated plant in Ohio.

Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) is a member of the cod family also known as Walleye Pollock. It is a short-lived species of wild, cold-water fish, caught exclusively in Alaska’s Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska.

The Wild Alaskan Pollock fishery is the largest wild-caught fishery in the US and is one of the most well managed fisheries in the world. It is certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), which is the absolute ‘gold standard’ of sustainability in the fishing industry.

Sourced exclusively from the pristine arctic waters of northern Norway, our Wild Norwegian cod liver oil is harvested from the livers of the MSC certified Cod species,Gadus morhua. Like the use of Alaskan Pollock in our other products, you can be assured of exceptional sustainability and quality of each product we make.

Wiley’s Finest currently sources its raw ingredient fish oil from two sources:

  1. Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil comes from fresh, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified sustainable, Wild Alaskan Pollock caught by American fishers, primarily for food. It is sourced exclusively from the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Wild Alaska Pollock fish populations. The Bering Sea is one of the most pristine and productive ecosystems for marine life in the world.
  2. Wiley’s Finest Wild Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is sourced from fresh, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified sustainable Wild Cod which are harvested primarily for food in the unspoiled Arctic waters of northern Norway. Our supplier is a multi-generational family-owned seafood, marine ingredients and supplement company that has been in business for over 100 years. They partner with local, small vessel fishers who bring in their catch several times each day to ensure the freshest products possible.

While all fish provide some level Omega-3 EPA and DHA, the concentration levels in different kinds of fish vary, and so does the quantity of fish needed to create fish oil with a potency that is most beneficial for human nutrition. We’ve chosen Wild Alaska Pollock and Wild Norwegian Cod because they are harvested first and foremost for human food and are certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The Alaska Pollock and Norwegian Cod fisheries are two of the most well-managed, large-scale fisheries in the world and ones that will be around for generations to come.

Pollock and Cod are in the same family (Gadus), but they are not the same species. Very strict labeling regulations require that we list the exact species of Alaskan Pollock by its scientific name: Theragra Chalcogramma as well as Norwegian Cod: Gadus morhua.

The Wild Alaskan Pollock and Norwegian Cod fisheries are some of the most sustainable fisheries on the planet, and Wiley’s Finest has always promoted that fact because it is an important differentiator in our brand promise. From the beginning, Wiley’s Finest has embraced sustainability and the health of the planet by adopting MSC certification, which is directly tied to both the Wild Alaskan Pollock and Norwegian Cod fisheries. This is the gold standard for ensuring customer confidence, with the highest benchmark of sustainable fishing practices and a ‘boat to bottle’ chain of custody program which guarantees absolute consistency between the label and the product content. We believe that it is important for the customer to have complete transparency into the species and the fishery from which each of our Omega-3 products originates.

Also, label space is highly limited, and there are absolute requirements dictated by FDA regulation on elements which must be included. Beyond that, we prioritize what we believe to be the most important information for the consumer in the space that is available.

Peruvian anchovy oil is made from fishmeal made of ground-up anchovy which is primarily used to feed farmed fish.

For the Wiley’s Finest brand of Omega-3s, we have chosen highly sustainable, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified Wild Alaskan Pollock oil which is sourced from one of the best managed fisheries in the world. These fish are harvested first and foremost for human food, and the oil is rendered fresh from the trimmings, mostly the heads and livers, which might otherwise be wasted.

The astaxanthin in our Orange Burst product is naturally present in the fish oil. Pollock make micronutrient carotenoid antioxidants such as Astaxanthin in their liver, which is evident in the reddish-orange color of natural Pollock oil.

The astaxanthin ingredient in Bold Vision: Proactive comes from algae sourced in the USA.

The plant sterols in our Cholesterol Support formula are derived from North American pine tree sap.

All Wiley’s Finest fish oil products contain a small amount of mixed tocopherols made from Argentinian identity-preserved certified non-GMO sources, primarily sunflower.

Wiley’s Finest FOR KIDS products (Elementary EPA and Beginner’s DHA) also contain non-GMO identity-preserved Vitamin E.
https://wileysfinest.com/faq/ (Under the heading Do all Wiley’s Finest Products Contain Tocopherol?)

Our softgels are encapsulated with gelatin, water, and glycerin. Glycerin acts as a humectant to retain moisture and keep the softgel from becoming brittle. The glycerin is derived from non-GMO palm oil.

The gelatin in our Prenatal DHA, Peak EPA, Easy Swallow Minis, Bold Vision: Proactive, and Omega-3 + K2 + D3 is 100% sourced from fish. The gelatin in the Cholesterol Support gelcaps is beef.

No gluten is used in processing our fish oil, and our in-house bottling facility does not handle wheat products of any kind. As a normal process in our manufacturing, the oil is spot tested for traces of gluten, however, we don’t test every batch. If you’re highly sensitive to gluten, proceed with caution in consuming our products.

All Wiley’s Finest fish oil products contain a small amount of non-GMO mixed identity-preserved (IP) tocopherols. Wiley’s Finest FOR KIDS products, Elementary EPA and Beginner’s DHA, also contain non-GMO identity-preserved Vitamin E.

The mixed tocopherols we use in our products containing Fish Oil are used as an antioxidant to preserve freshness and are non-GMO. We recently underwent label changes and modified the way mixed tocopherols appear in the ingredients list to meet current regulatory guidelines.

Like all animal or marine derived fats, Fish Oil naturally contains small amounts of cholesterol.
We remove 90% or more of the natural cholesterol in the fish oil during our molecular distillation process. Most of our finished products contain less than 2 mg of cholesterol and are eligible to bear the FDA label claim for ‘Cholesterol Free’. However, our liquid formulations have a larger serving size, and therefore, a slightly higher concentration of cholesterol, necessitating that we include it on the product label.

If you have any concerns about the cholesterol content of our fish oil or your own blood cholesterol levels, we recommend you seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

There are 800 IU (20mcg) of naturally occurring Vitamin A in Wiley’s Finest Orange Burst, which is our most minimally processed formula. However, this nutrient has been unavoidably removed in the process of distillation and concentration for Omega-3 EPA and DHA content in our other products.

Our Wild Norwegian Cod Liver Oil does contain naturally occurring Vitamin A, which we did not include on the label because of its low content. The exact concentration of Vitamin A is not defined by the specification document from our sourcing partner, only as <200 IU/g, which is significantly below the US RDA.

All Wiley’s Finest fish oil formulas contain a small amount of non-GMO mixed identity-preserved (IP) tocopherols. Wiley’s Finest FOR KIDS products, including Elementary EPA and Beginner’s DHA, also contain non-GMO identity-preserved Vitamin E. Soy is not used in the making of any of our products.

Wiley’s Finest Peak EPA, Easy Swallow Minis, Prenatal DHA, and Omega-3 + K2 + D3 are all made with fish gelatin capsules

Both Peak EPA and Omega-3 Liquid are concentrated fish oils, but the serving size of Omega-3 Liquid is one teaspoon, supplying nearly 4 times as much oil per serving. One teaspoon of Omega-3 Liquid contains 10 mg of cholesterol. One capsule of Peak Omega-3 Liquid contains less than 0.5 mg cholesterol, and such a small amount rounds down to zero on the label.

No. The purpose of enteric coating is primarily to mask fishy taste from lower quality fish oils. Wiley’s Finest Fish Oils are made from fresh, wild caught fish and are processed extremely carefully to produce very clean, mild tasting oils. We do not use enteric coatings because we don’t need to: it keeps the product simple and free of extra additives.

Our Orange Burst product contains 660mg of EPA and DHA per teaspoon.

No, neither. Easy Swallow Minis were originally made with beef gelatin capsules. They have been recently updated to use fish gelatin capsules.

Our Wild Alaskan Orange Burst liquid and our Wild Norwegian Cod Liver Oil+ are in the natural TG form. Our other liquids, including Peak Omega-3 Liquid, Summit DHA, Elementary EPA, and Beginners DHA, are in the re-esterified TG (rTG) form. All our softgels, including Peak EPA, Easy Swallow Minis, Prenatal DHA, Cholesterol Support, Omega-3 + K2 + D3, and Bold Vision: Proactive are in the Ethyl Ester (EE) form.

In short, nearly all the of the Omega-3 supplements on the market are in the EE form, and nearly all the clinical studies with omega-3 fish oil have been conducted with the EE form as well. Extensive research has shown that we absorb and utilize both the EE and TG forms equally well into our tissues. As with all fat-soluble nutrients, the priority with fish oil is to consume them with food in order to maximize absorption. Keep in mind that It takes 2-3 months for tissue levels to change, so regardless of the form, it is important to consume Omega-3 consistently over time.

The term, ‘90% triglyceride form’ on the label of Peak Omega-3 Liquid, as well as on the labels of our other liquid formulas, refers to the percentage of highly concentrated Omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids in the formula which are produced as triglycerides, meaning three Omega-3 fatty acids attached to a glycerin backbone per molecule. The remaining 10% are diglycerides, meaning 2 Omega-3 fatty acids attached to a glycerin backbone per molecule.

Natural Triglyceride (nTG) form:

  • CatchFree™ Omega (both liquid and softgel)
  • Wild Norwegian Cod Liver Oil+
  • Orange Burst

Ethel Ester (EE) form:

  • Peak EPA
  • Easy Swallow Minis
  • Prenatal DHA
  • Cholesterol Support
  • Omega-3 + K2 + D3
  • Bold Vision: Proactive (Omega-7)

90% Re-esterified Triglyceride (rTG) form:

  • Peak Omega-3 Liquid
  • Summit DHA
  • Beginner’s DHA
  • Elementary EPA

Wiley’s Finest is strict in our compliance with all of our retail partners’ ingredient quality requirements, including our natural flavorings. The exact mixture of our flavor combinations, which are derived from natural citrus and other natural food grade oils is proprietary.

Crop Assured 365° is a proprietary process of 100% lot traceability, identity preservation, & quality control used by the growers of Ahiflower®.

For more information, see https://www.naturescrops.com/

CatchFree™ Omega is not certified organic, however, both the Algarithm and Ahiflower co-branded ingredients are fully non-GMO and follow organic practices. The Vitamin D3 we use is extracted from organic lichen.

Follow the links below for more information on our ingredient partners:





SQF stands for Safe Quality Food, which is a respected independent certification organization that adheres to the strictest and most rigorous standards in the food safety industry.​ It is the only certification program of its kind that covers every aspect of a product’s creation along the entire supply chain, including sourcing, manufacturing, storage, and transportation from source to shelf.

Not typically. When Omega-3 fatty acids are not treated properly, they can begin to oxidize, meaning they break down into chemical compounds that can have a highly unpleasant odor and taste. They can also cause digestive repeat, widely known as burp-back or fishy burps.

Wiley’s Finest fish oils are very carefully protected from oxidation throughout the entire supply chain from boat to bottle in order to provide our customers with the freshest and highest quality products available. The vast majority of our customers enjoy an excellent sensory experience with our formulas, and all of our products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

We test every lot of our fish oil products at our in-house laboratory for safety, purity, and quality. Additionally, every lot is independently tested at 3rd-party quality labs for heavy metals, environmental contaminants, and microbial contamination.

The statement of ‘pharmaceutical grade’ in fish oil supplements is a marketing term that some Omega-3 companies use to make a quality claim in the marketplace in order to boost sales. ‘Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil’ is neither an official FDA term nor a medical term and carries no official guarantee or specification of any quality or purity standard.

Rather than make a label claim with no industry standard, our focus is on the quality, sustainability, and scientific efficacy of our products.

Dietary Supplements are regulated by the FDA as a subset of foods under a 1994 law called DSHEA. Just like foods, the FDA inspects manufacturing facilities and regulates our industry. As our products are dietary supplements, and not classified as drugs, they do not require FDA approval to market and sell.

Our manufacturing facility is regularly inspected by the FDA, typically once a year. Our FDA facility number is #12725424694.

Yes, a COA can be requested through our customer service department. You can e-mail your request to sales@wileysfinest.com, or call (855) 514-4088.

Yes. Quality and purity in our products is our #1 priority. Our raw fish oil is harvested from the protected, pristine waters of the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, where levels of potentially harmful contaminants are extremely low. Regardless, every batch of our fish oil is tested for Heavy Metals, PCBs, dioxins, Furans, and Dioxin-like PCBs to comply with California Proposition 65 limits. We also comply with the very strict standards of the US/EU Pharmacopeia and the voluntary monograph of the Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED).

No. Quality and purity in our products is our #1 priority. Our raw fish oil is harvested from the protected, pristine waters of the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, where levels of potentially harmful contaminants are extremely low. Regardless, every batch of our fish oil is tested for Heavy Metals, PCBs, dioxins, Furans, and Dioxin-like PCBs to comply with California Proposition 65 limits. We also comply with the very strict standards of the US/EU Pharmacopeia and the voluntary monograph of the Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED).

Yes. Each individual lot of our fish oil ingredient and finished product is tested for heavy metal content, including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic, by trusted independent third-party quality laboratories.

Yes. All Wiley’s Finest products are free from BPA. To eliminate the risk of exposure to BPA, we package all our products in glass bottles.

Yes, our products are ‘Hexane-Free”. Hexane is not used in any part of our manufacturing process.

We use ethanol made from non-GMO corn in our concentration process, and it is completely removed prior to flavor blending and bottling. The end product specification is ‘ethanol free’, which is defined as less than 10 ppm (parts per million) ethanol. The use of ethanol in our industry is very common due to the fact that it is one way to ensure very high-quality products.

Our products contain purified oil from fish. Our liquid products are bottled on equipment that only handles Fish Oil. While great care is taken during formulation and manufacturing to ensure our products do not contain soy, nuts, wheat, eggs, dairy, artificial flavors, artificial colors, shellfish, yeast, sugar, or corn, we recommend anyone with serious allergy concerns use caution when taking our products.

We currently do not have any products which are Halal or Kosher certified, however, our products do not contain pork gelatin or pork products.

Our fishing partners protect the fish oil from rancidity by using the lowest temperature level possible for the oil extraction and eliminating its exposure to light and oxygen. During rail transport to Ohio the oil is stored either in oxygen barrier containers or in black rail tanks where it is covered in a blanket of nitrogen as an added level of protection from oxygen exposure.

All of our finished fish oil products contain a small amount of mixed tocopherols made from Argentinian identity-preserved certified non-GMO sources, primarily sunflower.

Wiley’s Finest FOR KIDS products, including Elementary EPA and Beginner’s DHA, also contain non-GMO identity-preserved Vitamin E.
https://wileysfinest.com/faq/ (Under the heading, “Do all Wiley’s Finest Products Contain Tocopherol?”)

Once opened, our Omega-3 liquid formulas do require refrigeration to retain their freshness and should be consumed within a few weeks. Some people prefer to refrigerate their Omega-3 softgels as well, which is perfectly ok, but is not required.

Unopened bottles of Wiley’s Finest products have a guaranteed shelf life of 2 years when stored at room temperature. We recommend you store them in a dark, cool, dry place with a maximum temperature of 77° F.

Yes. Softgel capsules are easily transported in the bottle or in a dark, plastic pill container. It is best to protect them from long exposure to heat, for example, in a car on a hot day. It is not recommended to travel with liquid fish oil unless it can be kept on ice in a cooler.

All Wiley’s Finest products have a guaranteed shelf life of 2 years when unopened in the original container and stored in a cool, dry place.

Our fish oil supply chain is rigorously monitored for quality and freshness through every step of the process. Each lot of our fish oil is third-party tested to meet US and international standards for freshness and quality in order to ensure the finest and freshest possible products for our customers.

A few of our products, including Orange Burst and our Kids liquids, have been purified, but have not been concentrated, so they retain their naturally occurring saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Because of that, these formulas will readily become cloudy in a refrigerator and will become very viscous or even semi-solid in a freezer, similar to extra-virgin olive oil. This, in no way, affects the quality of the oil.

It can be safely assumed that fish oil which remains clear at refrigerated temperatures has had all its naturally occurring saturated fatty acids removed. This typically indicates more highly concentrated Omega-3s, but it is not an indicator of product purity.

You can feel absolutely confident that all of our Wiley’s Finest products have been thoroughly tested to ensure they are the freshest and absolute highest quality in the industry, and that they are free of any possible environmental contaminants.

On very rare occasions, there may be a softgel that ruptures and leaks onto other softgels in a bottle of fish oil. Once exposed to air, the leaked oil will begin to oxidize, giving a red speckled appearance to the other softgels.

If this happens to you, please contact our customer service department to request a replacement product. You may send e-mail to sales@wileysfinest.com or call (855) 514-4088 to talk personally with one of our Customer Service representatives.